Saturday, December 25, 2010

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Tweets From Santa Claus Last Year

These are just some of the tweets from Santa Claus's various Twitter pages. - OlderMusicGeek

Mrs.Claus is upset that so many women thanked me for an "amazing night." - from DearestSanta

Today is strictly a day for kicking back with the elves, the Mrs., and some very tired reindeer. Merry Christmas to all! - from @santa

I've been invited to a year end party. Because nothing rings in the new year like felt-wearing elves doing the electric slide. - from @DearestSanta

See Santa Claus take his much needed rest after this long Christmas Eve Night: - from @iSpotSanta

FYI we are now considering plans to relocate to the South Pole due to climate change. - from @TheSanta

A list of the various pages Santa tweets from

A link to previous posts about Christmas and the holidays