Saturday, April 28, 2012


Can wisdom and entertainment coexist in cyberspace? When is a game more than a game? Does an arcade feature need an introduction? Ask Duke.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

HUMOR: Didn't matter much to me as long as they're fed

I got something to say, i raked their litter today.
clumps don't matter much to me, as long as it spreads.
- Esta Noche

MY LIFE: A take on my daughter's insanity

Me: "You know if you weren't my daughter, I'd think you were totally and completely insane. Instead of just partially."

Daughter: "Well, you know what?"

Me: "You are my daughter?"

Her: "Yeah! So cope and deal!"

ENTERTAINMENT: Pokèmon is racist?

I knew Pokèmon promoted animal cruelty and abuse, but racism?

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Kids, cleaning and responsibility

It's so nice to get work done without kids around. The only reason to have kids help when you're doing housework is to teach them responsibility! They are ABSOLUTELY NO help!

ENTERTAINMENT: The true story of "Romeo And Juliet"

My daughter told a friend who said she wanted a Romeo and Juliet relationship that she should go find a pedophile then.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

MY LIFE: A simple question about laundry asked out of annoyance!

If things, even after they've been washed, dried and FOLDED, still end up in the dirty clothes, why can't we just toss them? Instead of continually wasting time, water and electricity rewashing and redrying stuff that ends up never getting used, since they automatically end up in the dirty clothes and are NEVER used! Yes, I'm annoyed and frustrated!

HUMOR: Good idea for OCDs!

I had an OCD person spend the weekend at my place. It hadn't been so clean since my mom helped me clean it!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

MY LIFE: Adding some woo hoo to a co-workers life

Me: "You know what tomorrow is?"

Co-worker I've teased about being grumpy: "No."

Supervisor: "What's tomorrow?"

Me: "It's Friday! Woo hoo!"

Co-worker: (deadpan to supervisor) "The woo hoo's the important part."

POLITICS: George Takei on "gay marriage"

Plus, "gay marriage" sets the bar too high. Guests expect a champagne fountain with Liza emerging from it or something.
By: George Takei

MY LIFE: Apparently, my daughter does not have eyes!

Me looking at 4 bags of empty pop cans and an overflowing garage can of recycling: "You need to take these cans and recycling out so I can clean the kitchen floor."

Daughter: "Well, no one told me it needed to go out!"

Me: "You don't have eyes?"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY: How to respond to requests to debate creationists

How to respond to requests to debate creationists
Category: Creationism
Posted on: February 18, 2009 4:15 PM, by PZ Myers

A professor at the University of Vermont, Nicholas Gotelli, got an invitation to debate one of the clowns at the Discovery Institute. Here's what they wrote.

ENTERTAINMENT: An Easter radio station

Can't say I like everything on this station, but it has some interesting tunes for Easter!

RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY: Test your religious knowledge

I got 8 out of 10. I'm an church elder of world religion, and I don't like organized religion!

All my Easter blog posts

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Easter Egg Hunt Canceled Due To Aggressive Parents

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Easter Egg Hunt Goes To The Dogs

Friday, April 06, 2012

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Sweet but interesting look at genders

Thursday, April 05, 2012