Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ENTERTAINMENT: Star Wars speed dating!

Commander #1:
We’ve analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by?

Governor Tarkin:
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances.

MY LIFE: Getting ready with the mom figure gone!

My fiancèe is out of town, and I have to get everybody ready. My daughter told me this morning she'd deal with my fiancée's son cus she can't handle my "tone" in the morning.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY and POLITICS: Climate change study forces sceptical scientists to change minds

The Earth's land has warmed by 1.5C over the past 250 years and "humans are almost entirely the cause", according to a scientific study set up to address climate change sceptics' concerns about whether human-induced global warming is occurring.

Prof Richard Muller, a physicist and climate change sceptic who founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (Best) project, said he was surprised by the findings. "We were not expecting this, but as scientists, it is our duty to let the evidence change our minds." He added that he now considers himself a "converted sceptic" and his views had undergone a "total turnaround" in a short space of time.

HUMOR: Joys of travelling

From comedian Brandi A. Brown:

I saw things at the Fargo WalMart that I can't unsee.

SPIRITUALITY/RELIGION: How to fix Atheism's boys club?

It’s been five years now since I first became involved with the atheist and skeptic movements. And for most of those five years, I felt like I belonged. When I started the Society of Non-Theists at Purdue University, I was relieved to know I wasn’t the only atheist on my campus. So when I realized there was an even greater national movement, I was elated to become a part of it. I had finally found people who shared my passion and values. I was welcomed with open arms.

Until I started talking about feminism."

I can honestly say this is the first time that waking up to over 500 comments on a post that mentions feminism has filled me with absolute joy.

95% of the comments I’ve received have been overwhelmingly positive. That…that has never happened before. Usually if I can hit 50% supportive comments I feel like I’ve done well. But not only were you guys supportive, you were excited. I didn’t expect you to have come up with names and logos for the third wave…and I really didn’t expect you all to basically agree. We tend to be like herding cats, but not this time.

You called for Atheism+.

ENTERTAINMENT: No! This is just wrong!

How dare they announce these two events at the the same time! Ewwww!

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Two Sikh Men, Two Lifetimes Of Looking Different

The tragic shooting at a Sikh house of worship in Wisconsin this month has turned the spotlight on the Sikh faith and the nation's Sikh community.

Earlier this year, Surinder Singh and his son Rupinder visited a StoryCorps booth in San Francisco, where they reflected on their own experiences standing out among their peers and neighbors.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

CULTURE/SOCIETY and POLITICS: Reflective Hillary Clinton urges South Africa to live up to Mandela's legacy

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — In a rare and unusually personal reflection on forgiveness and redemption, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton urged South African students too young to remember apartheid not to lose sight of the example their country holds for the world and for themselves.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

POLITICS: Bat Boy to be Romney's VP

“Bat Boy is from West Virginia and really understands the struggles that the middle class is going through,” said a Romney advisor. ”With Bat Boy on the ticket, the Republicans should be able to carry the south, the midwest and all the Hollywood who all love mutants.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

POLITICS: 102 Things NOT To Do If You Hate Taxes

So, you’re a Republican that hates taxes? Well, since you do not like taxes or government, please kindly do the following...

Thursday, August 02, 2012

SPIRITUALITY/RELIGION: So you were just called a bigot

I know your feelings are hurt. No one wants to be called a bigot, right? But before you do something silly like scream “FREE SPEECH” or say I’m the bigot, let’s rewind a bit.