I admit it. This blog is NOT consistent. What it is keeps changing. Right now, it's pretty much a place where I keep photos, videos, and links to websites that interest me. Before that, I wrote a few blogs myself and still do once in a blue moon. But most of the stuff before the links are just reprints of articles I found interesting. Email me at OlderMusicGeek(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
ENTERTAINMENT - 7 Post-Punk And New Wave Rock Stars Reimagined As Superheroes
As a child of the 80's I was heavily influenced by everything from Saturday morning cartoons on TV to the music coming from the radio. Ian Curtis or Johnny Rotten are as iconic to me as Superman or Batman. Real people or imaginary characters, the incorruptible ideals of perfect superheroes or the human flaws and desires sometimes so desperately depicted in song lyrics - all of those influences affect us to the point of defining our character and personality, career paths and life choices.
The references we are exposed and specifically the ones we choose to absorb make us who we are.
The references we are exposed and specifically the ones we choose to absorb make us who we are.