Sunday, January 13, 2008

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Scenes from The Sneeze's Kitchen

I discovered the site, The Sneeze, through the Sassy Says website that I read regularly. If you're a parent or like the music, you should be able to appreciate The Sneeze. Here's one of the more amusing posts I saw on it. - OlderMusicGeek

December 13, 2007
Scenes From My Kitchen

A boy stands at the counter eating directly from a canister. His father enters.

Boy: "This crunchy cinnamon is DELICIOUS!"

Father: "That's Sugar in the Raw."

(They're baby teeth. At least this set is supposed to fall out.)


  1. When I was little, I once found my mom's box of baker's semi-sweet chocolate and ate a piece of it like a candy bar. Yeah, not quite the same as Hershey's kisses.

  2. you know, my ex used to steal just plain straight sugar from her mom. :)
