Monday, March 26, 2012

MY LIFE: Having A "Hood" Day

Girlfriend's text: "Hope you had a hood day today."
Girlfriend's next text: "Good day. Not hood day. Ugh."
My text: "Yo yo yo. I did have a hood day. Cus I be down like that. Word!"
Girlfriend's text: "YOU ARE NOT BLACK! And per your daughter, you are not black, you are not Eminem! And not allowed to say that!"

MY LIFE: A Weird Dream I Had Last Night

In a dream last night, I'm having a sword fight with a masked man.
He says something in Spanish in Antonio Banderas's voice as we fight.
Me: "Sorry, friend, I don't speak any Spanish."
Him: "You should learn to speak a second language."
Me: "I did! Sesotho!"
Him: "A lot of good it does you here!"
Me: "Well, it did me a lot of good in Africa!"
Just then I push him away. He jumps to the window, and before jumping out, says: "Well, seƱor, you're not in Africa any more!"

Thank you, "Puss In Boots" for giving me weird dreams!