Friday, November 28, 2008

ENTERTAINMENT: My Christmas Music

Well, these are just some ways to hear my kind of Christmas tunes! But I'm warning you that some contain profanity and explicit lyrics!

These will give you a pretty good idea of what I listen to at Christmas. The second "quick mix" button will give you the best idea. But you can only use them if you have an account with Pandora. It's free though!

But if you don't have Pandora, here's a few songs I listen to from

A link to all my Christmas posts

Monday, November 24, 2008

CULTURE/SOCIETY: Why Is Our Thanksgiving Bird Called A Turkey?

Ernest T Spoon sent me this. I edited down a bit, felt it was too long for my blog. You can read the full piece here. - OlderMusicGeek

Why Is Our Thanksgiving Bird Called a Turkey? (Answer: Because, of course, it came from Turkey)
By Larry E. Tise

Mr. Tise is Wilbur & Orville Wright Distinguished Professor of History at East Carolina University.

Remember all those big fat turkeys we sketched as kids when Thanksgiving rolled around every November? Even if most of us lacked any artistic skill whatsoever, we could make a stick figure of a plump and feathery bird complete with a bright red wattle waiting to become a Thanksgiving dinner. And we could also pencil or crayon black-hatted Pilgrims and Indians in feathery headdresses gathering at table to devour cranberries and a hugely breasted, cooked bird with drumsticks pointing skyward. Drawing this primordial American scene was one of the few rituals of our national civic religion—just as American as apple pie—in which we could all participate without fear of offending one religious group or another.

Never mind that this homage to a pastoral original Thanksgiving was largely the creation of stiff Victorians. Never mind that this fictionalized version of a love-feast between land-grabbing Europeans and innocent Native Americans was about as accurate as caricatures of a happy-go-lucky banjo playing slave. Never mind that English colonists in scattered encampments from New England to Virginia were always close to starvation; or that they literally stole their food from Indian tribes who, from time immemorial, only grew enough food or snared the game needed to support a subsistence living.

But at the center of our sketches of the first Thanksgiving was that big bird. When all was said and done about make-believe Thanksgivings, imaginary love feasts, and feigned celebrations between European and American stick figures, there was the perpetual centerpiece of the Thanksgiving feast. Even if harmony among men was more hoped-for than real at Thanksgiving and though we might say different prayers to different gods, when our families gathered on this most American of days, we would always have that fat, winged delectable dish awaiting us—the turkey.

But if the turkey is as American as motherhood and apple pie, why for god’s sake is the name of this bird the same as the name of a vast and important country in the Middle East? How the American bird we know as turkey got the moniker “turkey” and not huexoloti (Aztec) or guajolote (Mexican)—authentic early American names for American turkeys—has much to do with the fact that Turkey was the center of the world at the time.

When Columbus eventually realized that he had not discovered an alternative path to Asia, he began to do what most goofy explorers have done throughout human history. He took home a batch of alternative goods that he hoped would capture the interest of his investors. In the absence of gold—the holy grail of American treasures--he focused upon American animals and plants that had been domesticated by Native Americans. Among these were plant products that could be grown from seed or stem: beans, maize (corn), peanuts, peppers, potatoes, and tobacco. In the realm of fowl, there were two interesting creatures: (1) the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) and, of course, (2) our good old Aztec huexoloti (Meleagris gallopavo).

Probably before a single ship from America had been unloaded, seeds, birds, and beasts were headed from Spanish ports to points of call across northern Africa and the Middle East. When corn, tobacco sprouts, and, of course, our huexoloti arrived in the heart of the thriving and vibrant Ottoman Empire—seated in what we now know as Turkey—they came into the hands of probably the most advanced farmers and husbandmen in the world at that time.

Turkish farmers had previously seen the nearest cousins of the huexoloti from Asia (pheasants) and from Africa (Guinea fowl). But these birds were skinny runts compared to the majestic huexoloti. Making use of sophisticated growing and seeding techniques, savvy Turkish farmers in the space of just twenty years had a surplus of both birds and plants for export across Europe. By the 1540s, huexoloti arrived in England. By 1577, the huexoloti had become the principal food bird in the entire English realm—surpassing even chickens and other fowl in both production and consumption.

It will thus probably not come as a surprise that these crops and creatures originally brought forth from the New World had acquired interesting new and permanent names. Corn arrived in England as Turkish maize. Tobacco took an identity it still has today--Turkish tobacco. And the good old huexoloti had lost all association with the new world and would be forever known in English simply as the turkey.

This explains how the American huexoloti acquired its name from Turkey, but not how the turkey from Turkey became the Thanksgiving bird of the United States. That brings us back to the Pilgrims and their plump turkeys. If the Pilgrims and other English colonists served wild American turkeys—or so the story goes—at their Thanksgiving spreads, how could they have had such robust breasts? Wild American turkeys (silvestris, or cousins of the huexoloti) were sleek and ravenous scavenging birds that raced from one meal to another eating nuts, seeds, berries, grapes, snails, crickets, beetles, and delicate shoots arising from many cultivated crops. Resistant to control or reproduction in captivity, they were notorious enemies of proud farmers. Fleet afoot, able to fly short distances, and properly cooked a tasty dish, they lack the proper manners to live in an agricultural society. They were, in fact, killed everywhere by European colonists as nuisance birds.

English settlers in both Virginia and Massachusetts, spoiled with the familiar, though less tasty big birds that came from Turkey, immediately demanded to bring their own turkeys to America. English turkeys deriving from Turkey arrived in Jamestown in 1614 and in Massachusetts prior to 1629. As European settlements spread, so did their herds of domestic turkeys. The wild cousins of the huexoloti that once inhabited most of North America retreated to more congenial frontiers--as did their native names.

This latter finding brings us full circle to the question of how Americans could have overlooked so thoroughly this unique heritage we derived many centuries ago from the Middle East. We tend to think that America discovered the Middle East when our oil companies went to Islamic lands in search of liquid gold; when we remember American links to the state of Israel; and when we contemplate that Jews and Christians trace their religious roots to Jerusalem. We too often forget that Islamic believers find their religious origins in the same land; that Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship a single God; that a thousand years ago Europeans crusaded to dislodge the Islamic branch of this tradition from this shared homeland. And, also, that while Europeans were building a Holy Roman (i.e., Christian) Empire bereft of Moors and Jews, busy Islamic merchants, lawyers, alchemists, and farmers inhabiting the Middle East were advancing the world’s knowledge in mathematics, chemistry, law, and, yes, agriculture.

Thus, this Thanksgiving when we gather to partake in this most hallowed and quintessential of America’s holidays, we should remember as we look toward the big bird in the middle of our table that it is after all a turkey that came to us from Turkey; that it was brought into our culture by European forbears deeply influenced by their connections to Islamic commerce and culture in the Middle East; and that we have been a part of a shared planet for a very long time.

And, then, let us say our thanksgiving prayers to Yahweh, Allah, or by whatever name might be known the God of these shared faiths.

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HNN Hot Topics: Thanksgiving


Comments (2)

Thanksgiving in Turkey (#129346)
by Meltem Birkegren on November 24, 2008 at 2:28 AM
Funny thing is: in Turkey the bird Turkey is called "Hindi", since the Turks thought the bird came from further east, in this case from India (Hindistan). As a tradition, Turkey bird is eaten as a whole, only on New Year's Eve in Turkey, therefore, it's not even possible to find the whole bird other times of the year, otherwise turkey meat in many forms (even turkey doener)is sold all year long.
I'm a Turkish-American & happen to be in Istanbul at this moment, and I've been trying to find a turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner, but was told at various markets, the birds will ship out only after the 15th of December. I put in a special order, and not yet sure if it'll come by Wednesday. Otherwise, we'll have to eat a chicken!!

CULTURE/SOCIETY: U.S. Officials And Public Flunk Civics Test

I got this from Yahoo. - OlderMusicGeek

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US elected officials scored abysmally on a test measuring their civic knowledge, with an average grade of just 44 percent, the group that organized the exam said Thursday.

Ordinary citizens did not fare much better, scoring just 49 percent correct on the 33 exam questions compiled by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI).

I got 27 out of 33 correctly — 81.82% - OMGeek

A link to the original and complete article
A link to the test they took

Sunday, November 23, 2008

CULTURE/SOCIETY: A Bunch Of Thanksgiving Quizzes

You Are 61% Thankful

You are a very thankful person - for both the big and little things in life.

Your optimism is powerful. Getting through hard times is fairly easy for you.

You Are The Cranberry Sauce

A little sweet, a little sour - you've got the flava!

Though, you do tend to squish in people's mouths...

WhAt ThAnKsGiViNg DiSh ArE yOu?!?
Pumkin Pie~! You are very sweet and ppl can't wait to see u! You are very kind but you have a little bit of spiciness to you. You are very good at being nice to ppl and you you taste great w/ cool whip..LOLz!
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

You Are Mud Pie

You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth.
You are overpowering and dominant - and that's what people like about you.
You bring energy and a new direction to most interactions.
People crave you in a serious way. You're that important to them.

Those who like you give into their impulses.
You don't represent reason. You represent pure temptation.
People get addicted to you rather easily.
You offer people a dark side that is very hard to resist.

Greedy: For you, Thanksgiving is really about one thing – FOOD! Turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, pie, you’re not leaving the table until the feast is all gone. Just don’t eat so much that you end up sick!
What’s Your Thanksgiving Personality?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

ENTERTAINMENT: Punk Rock Auction?

This is from me, with a bunch of reprinted material added! - OlderMusicGeek

I heard about this on NPR. Christie's is having an auction of punk rock memorabilia. Sigh!

The Village Voice put it best in their blog, Christie's 'Punk/Rock' Auction: The Crying of Lot '77.

"Who buys? In light of The Sex Pistols' rejection of the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame as a "piss stain", it's hard to imagine these are institutional rates. The auctions have no reserve, so it's possible that some lots won't fetch their listed prices - my informal sampling of auctions past turned up the occasional overvaluation. The whole thing feels a little desperate, like a high-end version of some aging collector's eBay fire sale."

But I think I'll leave the final say to John "Johnny Rotten" Lydon from what I considered the only good reality TV show ever made, Rotten TV!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CULTURE/SOCIETY: The Bandwidth Of The Human Penis Calculated

Something else I found through Twitter! Maybe I should think twice about the people I follow on Twitter! - OlderMusicGeek


hypnosis: 1. The human cell contains 75 MB of genetic information
hypnosis: 2. A sperm 37.5 MB.
hypnosis: 3. In a milliliter, we have 100 million sperms.
hypnosis: On average, one ejaculation releases 2.25 ml in 5 seconds.
hypnosis: Using basic math we can compute the bandwidth of the human male penis as:
(37.5MB x 100M x 2.25)/5 = (37,500,000 bytes/sperm x 100,000,000 sperm/ml x 2.25 ml) / 5 seconds = 1,687,500,000,000,000 bytes/sec = 1,687.5 TerraBytes/sec
Jck_true: Sweet
Jck_true: DoS attack!!!

I don't know whether to be amazed, amused and shocked - that someone bothered to figure the bandwidth of a penis! - OMGeek

POLITICS, CULTURE/SOCIETY and HUMOR: Prejudism Is Prejudism!

This is an interesting take on Prop 8 in California from the comic strip Candorville by Darrin Bell. - OlderMusicGeek

CULTURE/SOCIETY and SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY: Cyberspace, Romance And Fidelity

I found this interesting take on cyberspace, romances and fidelity while surfing the net. It's from a blog called The Cracked Crystal Ball II. - OlderMusicGeek

Saturday, November 15, 2008
At The Intersection of the Virtual and Real

A regular reader sent me this story off CNN about a divorce as a result of an affair in Second Life.

This one is interesting because it is in some respects the 'flip side' of couples that meet in cyberspace and eventually get married in reality.

Not only did the couple in question meet and marry in cyberspace, it seems that the events that precipitated the collapse of their relationship in reality also took place in cyberspace.

Obviously, the hurt feelings are real, regardless of what happened to provoke them. But the situation raises some very interesting questions around our expectations in intimate relationships.

Superficially, we might say "well, it's just in cyberspace, so it's all just a game", right? Well, yes and no. In a situation like this, we find a couple whose relationship in fact started in cyberspace and moved into the real world. In such a situation, the virtual has taken on a degree of "real" for the participants that is far beyond what we might expect ordinarily.

Consider, for a moment, the prospect of coming home one day and finding your spouse saying goodbye to someone in a surprisingly affectionate way. Most would be worried that something was going on while we were at work, right?

Now, if one thinks about being in the context of a relationship which had its origins in a virtual space, then we might be similarly worried about our partner's philandering in cyberspace. By the fiat of experience, there is clearly reason to believe that a 'fantasy romance' in cyberspace can become as real as any other.

Now, we have fairly well established (if fuzzy) guidelines around distinguishing between platonic friendships - even when there is a degree of genuine affection involved, and faith-breaking affairs in real life. There are all sorts of bits of information we can stitch together to have an understanding - body language, verbalization, and writing come to mind.

In cyberspace, just what are the boundaries? Is a 'making out session' in cyberspace to be treated the same as we would in the real world? Or do we allow a greater degree of latitude because the cyberspace world is, in essence, a fantasy that we foster? Do we consider cyberspace similar to, for example, the writing of erotica by our partner in real life? What the person writes may well be purely fantasy and quite unrelated to their reality and poses no threat at all to their relationship.

Or, are there acts which can take place in cyberspace that in fact we would consider a violation of the implicit pact of an intimate relationship?

Clearly the fantasy world of cyberspace has an elasticity to it that the real world does not, so one might legitimately presume that there is an elasticity of behaviour as well that goes beyond what we would accept in real life.

What those boundaries should be, are at the moment a matter which each couple will have to sort out for themselves. The concept of virtual interactions, and the reality of them, is still new and it will take a long time for some kind of intelligible guidelines to emerge that are shared by a sizable fraction of society. In this respect, I think of Second Life as something of a social petri dish. Lots of things will emerge from that enterprise in terms of the 'social rules' around virtual lives.


10:42 AM, November 15, 2008
Véronique said...

I have somewhat of an insider view of Second Life relationships.

I think it would be hard to be sexually unfaithful in SL, or anywhere on the Net, because there's no contact. At most, it's mutual masturbation, like phone sex with pictures. If that has a negative impact on a first life relationship, then it would be a problem.

I do think, however, that it's fairly easy to be emotionally unfaithful on the Net. I have had and still have very close emotional attachments with virtual people, who are of course real people I don't see. Fortunately, I don't hide these from my spouse, and our emotional commitment to each other is very strong. But I imagine that many people develop emotional attachments via SL or other similar means to the point where it has serious impact on their first life relationship.

It's all still rather messy.
3:17 PM, November 15, 2008

OlderMusicGeek said...

well, i heard it through ann landers, but someone probably said it before her.

but basically her take on it - was if you can't tell your loved one about it, you probably shouldn't be doing it!

my feeling, though, also is - which is along those lines - if you talked to your loved one or your loved one knows, then it's perfectly fine.

what's between them is between them!
8:35 AM, November 17, 2008

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HUMOR and SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY: 5 Ways To Keep Your Drunken Self Away From The Internet

This was sent as a joke on the mass emailing that the gang who I was in Peace Corps with sends out. Though it's actually by a guy I twitter with! - OlderMusicGeek

5 Ways to Keep Your Drunken Self Away From the Internet
November 14, 2008 - 1:47 pm PDT - by Joel Falconer 14 Comments

Going near the Internet when you’re drunk is a bad, bad idea. Many people have discovered this the hard way. It’s particularly bad if you work online.

Google acknowledged this potential threat of the modern age when they provided a Gmail feature to keep you out of your inbox after you’ve hit the bottle. Once enabled, the feature will ask you to solve some mathematical problems before allowing you to send anything to anyone.

Most people, unfortunately, can still remember where the Calculator application is on their computer, even with a good half bottle of whiskey stuffed in their innards, so this hasn’t proven too effective for most. And still, there’s plenty of damage to be done in places where Gmail’s watchful eyes can’t protect you: Twitter, Facebook, your own blog. Even MySpace, though the chances of anyone noticing drunken behavior as anything but the norm over there aren’t high.

Here are a few methods for keeping your drunken alter-ego away from the computer. Hopefully, you’ll have a tougher time getting around these than you did getting around Gmail’s math quiz.

1. Hide the Power Cable

We all know Mac users like to gloat about how they never have to shut their computers down. But they’re also the most likely to get drunk and go surfing the net in such a sad state. I’m a Mac user myself, I should know.

Shut the computer down, take your power cable, and hide it somewhere. Preferably, your hiding place will require the assistance of a chair to reach, like the top of a cupboard or up in the roof through the manhole. That way, once you’ve had your fill, you won’t be able to get up there. Sure, you’ll try. But you’ll fall off the chair a few times, get a concussion and break some expensive items on your way down.

You certainly won’t be getting anywhere near that cable.

2. Install Linux

Here’s a surefire way to make sure you never make it to the desktop. Install Linux on your computer, and make sure it’s one of those versions that spews out heaps of unreadable machine-speak as it boots up. You know the sort, white text on a black background, a modern day reminder of your DOS years.

I’ll guarantee it, if you’ve had enough to drink, you won’t make it to the login screen. All that fast scrolling text will have you dizzy and nauseous. With any luck, you’ll perform a power chuck all over the screen, making it impossible to write an email or tweet something terrible.

And come on. Don’t tell me you can just clean up the chuck when you’re that drunk.

3. Follow Security Best Practices

You know those security best practices instructions from the IT department that you ignored? Follow them. Don’t let your machine save passwords. Come up with meticulously crafted passwords with impossible-to-memorize strings of numbers and letters. Then, don’t store your passwords anywhere.

Sure, you won’t remember those excruciatingly long strings even when you’re sober, not without writing them down. But isn’t it all worth it? Now you can’t get yourself fired or destroy your relationship by posting the wrong photo to Facebook.

4. Play Waterfall Tracks

Go to the nearest new age shop and grab a CD of waterfall and wildlife sounds. Rip the CD and put the tracks on loop. You know how waterfall sounds work—every time you go anywhere near the computer, you’ll have to rush to the bathroom. You won’t be able to hang around long enough to stop the track or turn off the speakers—ah, the simple power of beer.

5. Go to the Pub

Seriously, does nobody go out to drink anymore? Also, have you ever noticed that the last item in a list is always the most obvious idea? It’s expensive to drink out, I know, but it certainly doesn’t cost as much as losing your job. The other benefit is that your spouse won’t be on your back all night about picking up the beer caps you keep throwing across the room.

There’s still a danger: the smartphone. The smartphone that allows you to take an embarrassing photo and send it to all your friends by email, or publicly tweet it. Leave the smartphone at home.

Image courtesy of iStockPhoto, iwan_drago
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Posts by Joel Falconer

Saturday, November 15, 2008

CULTURE/SOCIETY and HUMOR: Interesting Way Of Paying Your Bills

I found this via Twitter. It's from Geekologie. I admit that I edited out some of the profanity. To read the original, click here. - OlderMusicGeek

Good Idea!: Man Submits Drawing Of Spider Instead Of Payment For Overdue Account

David Thorne didn't have the $233.95 to pay an overdue account. So what did he do? What any other budding young genius would do, he submitted a picture of a spider he drew instead. Unfortunately, Jane Gilles, wouldn't accept it. So what happened next? I'll give you a hint: time travel! And also, David's account not getting paid.
I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing I did of a spider instead [beyond]

Thanks to Kenny, who knows a good drawing of a ninja turtle can settle any debt.

HUMOR: How Many Dogs Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb

I got this as an email. - OlderMusicGeek

How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

1. Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb?

2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.

3. Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!

4. Rottweiler: Make me.

5. Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

6. Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please!

7. German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation

8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.

9. Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb!

10. Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

11. Greyhound: It isn't moving. Who cares?

12. Australian Shepherd: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle...

13. Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?
Cats do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs. So, the real question is:

'How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a massage?'


CULTURE/SOCIETY and HUMOR: A Developing Story

Someone on Twitter - I don't remember who - led me to this story on the Minnesota site, MNspeak. Being a lover of puns, I had to reprint it! - OlderMusicGeek

Posted November 12, 2008
We have a bra thief: Theft. About 40-60 bras were taken from Victoria's Secret, 3001 White Bear Av. The bras were in a drawer near the entrance.
» Categories: crime | Author: msparber

Here what the link says - it's from Miscreant Roundup on - OMGeek

, in Maplewood:

“Theft. About 40-60 bras were taken from Victoria's Secret, 3001 White Bear Av. The bras were in a drawer near the entrance.”

I think we have a perv at work, or the return of Sh’blynnagoroth, the horrible 100-breasted she-beast who has slumbered since time began, waiting for the return of the old one. Just because she is the embodiment of implacable evil whose very name causes men to go mad doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate something that provides support and comfort.

But here are some of the punny comments from MNspeak - OMGeek

What kind of a boob would do a thing like this?
»» Submitted by »»» justpbob at 2:55 PM on November 12

Talk about a hold up.
»» Submitted by »»» kwatt at 3:13 PM on November 12

Maybe the guy just snapped.
»» Submitted by »»» kwatt at 3:17 PM on November 12

This story is not uplifting.
»» Submitted by »»» yepnope at 3:19 PM on November 12

Mystery solved.
»» Submitted by »»» g rote at 3:20 PM on November 12

Real mystery solved (no kidding!)
»» Submitted by »»» justpbob at 3:58 PM on November 12

Best led of all time:
Panty raids aren't just for horny college kids anymore.
I hope these evil doers get busted.
»» Submitted by »»» kwatt at 4:18 PM on November 12

Thanks, Bob, for keeping us abreast of this current event.
(What? Geez, sorry! Someone had to say it!)
»» Submitted by »»» jane at 4:20 PM on November 12

A law-abiding society should B outraged to C see D-ranged acts of thievery. Double D-ranged.
»» Submitted by »»» andyst at 4:38 PM on November 12

I'm sick of these criminals with their pillaging and hoot(er)ing.
But I'll bet it was a pair of friends, bosom buddies, who did it.
I hope they catch them and knock-er them around.
»» Submitted by »»» Bixby at 4:41 PM on November 12

I'm trying to rid my mammary of this post - I'll be gland when I succeed
»» Submitted by »»» indyr at 5:00 PM on November 12

This story left me in jock. I can't be a supporter of these dicks!
Oh crap! Wrong thread...
»» Submitted by »»» cjcat 5:27 PM on November 12

How much longer are we going to support this nonsense?
»» Submitted by »»» TBartel at 6:37 PM on November 12

Also, most guys could undo the damage they did with one hand.
»» Submitted by »»» Bixby at 6:57 PM on November 12

While you are all tittering at this, some VS manager is melon-choly about having to jug-gle the VS inventory to cover up the cleavage in her display caused by this theft. She'll have to find something to squeeze in there.
»» Submitted by »»» jane at 9:05 PM on November 12

Must have just slipped out. Probably...
Oh, excuse me, I have to go, my turkey is done...
»» Submitted by »»» kwatt at 9:34 PM on November 12

I have to admit - I'm still trying to image Sh’blynnagoroth putting on and wearing 50 bras at same time! - OMGeek