woman#1 goes to put the kettle on
man#1: white no sugar please ruby
woman#2: i'll take a tea - (in fake british accent) ta
woman#1: alrighty
woman#2: no milk please
woman#1 takes notes
man#1: :p
man#1: DO NOT diss the tea
woman#1: #3, tea?
woman#3: yes please
woman#1 wanders downstairs
woman#2: she's british - she'll kill you for dissing tea!
man#2: tea should be a national sport
man#1: it is
man#1: and we win
woman#4: How do you play tea?
man#1: drinking it all the time
woman#3: we just do Cat
man#2: is there full contact tackling?
man#1: its a very slow paced sport
woman#3: because we are magical
woman#2: points for not spilling
woman#4 imagines an emergency room full of scalded avatars...
woman#3: you get a bonus if you sip is with a snooty air
man#1: i'll win at that
man#2: haha
woman#2: make sure that pinky is out
woman#4: Pinkies up?
woman#4: LOL
man#2: the jersey is fancy victorian wear
woman#2: backs straight
man#2: and monocle
woman#2: and don't drop your "biscuit" in your tea like hyacinth's neighbor on keeping up appearances :)
man#2: hahaha
woman#4: Ohh I miss that show... *frown*
man#2: for overtime, it's who can make it to the vicar's house the fastest?