These are just some comics I found on the internet. - OlderMusicGeek
Happy Christmas and/or Boxing Day and/or Kwanzaa and/or Hannakah and/or Bodhi Day and/or Sanghamitta Day and/or Shabe Cheleh and/or Makara Sankranti and/or Junkanoo and/or Dong Zhi and/or Toji and/or Soyal and/or Yule and/or Seva Zistane and/or Alban Arthan and/or Long Night and/or Mean Geimrech and/or Brumalia and/or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and/or Saturnalia and/or Lenaea and/or Wren Day and/or Tekufah Tevet and/or Winter Solstice and/or ChriFSMas and/or any other December or winter solstice holidays i missed!
Oh, and Bah Humbug to those who don't celebrate the holidays! :)
'Bread & Roses' is a guerrilla film about Afghan women protesters
Getting footage from the ground was essential for filmmaker Sahra Mani, the
director of *Bread & Roses.* Her documentary, which profiles three women
who en...
2 hours ago
Ha! I love FoxTrot! The day of my 18th birthday, Bill Amend was (quite randomly) at the local independent bookstore in my hometown. I, alas, was in New York with my marching band, but my dad went and I have a signed copy of the newest book he had out at the time, complete with birthday wishes and Jason in a party hat :-)
that's cool. yeah, i love foxtrot too. jason always reminded me of me when i was younger. i had an older brother and sister too - not quite like his though. my brother was a stoner and my sister wasnt the popular type. but still...
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