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Sunday, December 30, 2007

CULTURE/SOCIETY: My Christmas This Year (With Commentaries from My Daughter)

This is from me, NOT a reprinted article. - OlderMusicGeek

MY CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR (with commentaries in bold print from my daughter)

Well, this Christmas didn’t turn out to be one of my best Christmases. Wasn’t one of the worst, but I definitely had better ones.

My daughter thought that it was the best Christmas ever. But then almost every movie she sees that she likes is the best movie that she ever saw. – On a side note, I think Spider-Man 3 is about the only movie with lots of incredible special effects that I know of where she said it SUCKED!!! (My daughter insisted on the caps and exclamation marks!)>:D –

But I think the main reason that this was the best Christmas ever was because she got the Nintendo DS Lite that she wanted so badly as well as a digital camera. – I was tired of her messing with mine!>:D –

But for me, things didn’t go as well as I would have liked. I fought with the Zune people, for a week on the phone every night. – My mp3 player is a Zune. And I strongly recommend that you do NOT buy one! - They changed the software and it sucks. And it took a while to get my mp3 player to work again.


Admittedly I had trouble, because I tried to downgrade to version 1.4. :) - My daughter isn't the only one who can use emoticons! - The Zune people tried to tell me that I would have to buy a whole new operating system to get the mp3 player software to work. But fortunately after working with them for a week, I was able to figure out to what to download in order to fix it on my own.

IT WAS LIKE 2 AND SOMETHING WEEKS, WHAT R U TAKIN ABOUT!?!?!?! >:O (She only feels it was that long! It was really about one week.) LIAR! >:O

So 3 days before Christmas, I finally had a mp3 player to play my Christmas music on.

I have to admit the week without my 2500+ Christmas tunes at my disposal wasn’t totally bad. I pulled out some old Christmas cassettes and was reminded of some other Christmas tunes that I need to download! IT WAS MORE THAN JUST 2500+ IT WAS LIKE 3,000 LIAR! >:P

I also listened to a couple of great books. I strongly recommend The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror by Christopher Moore. To quote the Entertainment Weekly review, “This is, without a doubt, the greatest story ever told about fruit bats, zombies and miracles.” (I HAVE A PET BAT! NOT IN MY HOUSE, BUT I NAMED HIM!!! >:o) (It's a wild bat that lives at her mother's place and that she lets rest on her arm!) Basically, if Stephen King wrote a Christmas comedy, it would come out something like this tale, which features among other unique characters... 1 - a former druggie who got blackmailed into being a tourist town's only law enforcement, 2 - the wife of the former druggie who was the a star in the Kendra, Warrior Babe of the Outland movies and has quit taking her anti-psychotic drugs to have money to buy her husband a gift, (PSYCHOOO!!!! >:O spookified) 3 – Tucker Case, a former womanizing pilot who is trying to better himself and only doing a mediocre job of that, and also has a pet fruit bat that wears sun glasses,(O.O SPOOKIFIED) and 4 – an angel who announced Jesus' birth 10 years too late because he got caught up in a card game.(JERK!!! IF HE DID THAT TO ME I'D KILL HIM - XD!!!)

And I read Skipping Christmas, the book that the movie, Christmas with the Kranks, is based on. Can't compare it to the movie, cus I haven't seen it yet. And don't have much motivation to do it either. The book starts really slow. I would suggest getting to the part where the daughter calls and says she's coming home, because that's really the point where it starts to get funny. (PSH, SOUNDS BOOORING!!>:P)

I also heard some great new songs this Christmas. Cyndi Lauper of Girls Just Want to Have Fun and She Bop fame has a fun romper called Early Christmas Morning.

And Ringo Starr has had a cd, I Wanna Be Santa Claus, out for a few years, but I only got around this year to listening to these two songs, Christmas Dance and Come on Christmas, Christmas Come On. The first one is a sweet tune about a young man trying to get a courage to ask the girl who he admired from afar to dance with him at, of course, the Christmas dance. The second is just an arena type rocker about Christmas. - Hey, when you have 2500+ Christmas tunes, you don't get to them all each year! - 3,000+ LIAR D:<>

And I still love these tunes I heard the last couple of years! Nobody does such an unique version of this Christmas tune. I mean Ted Nugent and Twisted Sister can both really rock it out, but I still think The Roches' version of Deck the Halls is best! Something about that rocking acoustic guitar and those strange but lovely harmonies.

And their Good King Wenscelas is still my favorite version of that song! (I HAD TO MAKE A FACE SO O.O'\ SPOOKIFIED!!!)

And I can't say enough about my reggae Christmas tunes. Who would think people from the warm Caribbean could do such great versions of tunes associated with the cold and snow! But I strongly recommend Yard Style Christmas, Christmas Greetings from Studio One, The Reggae Christmas Collection and that 3-cd collection from the condom people, The Trojan Christmas Box. (WEIRDO!!! O.O SPOOKIFIED)

Things didn't go so well when we went to look at Christmas lights either. Our newspaper usually has an article every year telling people where the best lights are. Well, if they had it this year, they hid it damn well from the internet and google. I scoured the internet every way I could think of and could not find it.(OOOOOOOOOOOO..........................U CUSSED!!! O.O!)

But I thought, at least I kept the list from last year. Well, I scoured the Christmas boxes for that list, and – of course- it was nowhere to be found. (GASP! O.o)

Well, we had a pretty good idea of where the houses were and there’s a show of lights in a park in our town every year. But it cost $9 per car – and my bank was acting goofy and not letting me take out any money! (HAH, GOOFY? IT WAS EVIIIL >:O JERKS!)

Then two of the homes that have had these awesome displays every year didn’t have them this year! These homes are known for filling their yards and roofs with gobs of doodads and whatnot. This year – nothing! (JERKS >:O !!!)

And my daughter and I also NEVER decorated our Christmas tree this year. The time honored tradition took a lapse this year. We have been getting kind of bad the last couple of years. Usually, we decorated the tree the day after Thanksgiving, but the last two years, it’s been like mid-December before we decorated the tree.

My daughter actually had the tree up on the day after Thanksgiving. I can’t even remember why we didn’t do it on that day. (BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS SICK AND IN BED ALL DAY! >:O ) But it seemed each time we talked about it, either one of us wasn’t in the mood or exhausted. And then there was the week fighting with the Zune people. (more than a week..........D:<) – And yes, I MUST have my 2500+ Christmas tunes with me and at my disposal! I am the OlderMUSICGeek afterall!

We were finally going to do it Christmas Eve. But I caught a nasty cold that ran into Christmas Day. Let me tell, I am so glad that my daughter did not ask for anything that needed assembly this year! I was grateful that Christmas this year involved putting out a couple of Nintendo DS games, a couple of dvd’s and digital camera!

I plan on having a better Christmas next year, do or die! I plan on making Clark Griswold – from Christmas Vacation - look lame and like a scrooge!

A link to all my Christmas and holiday posts

Happy Christmas and/or Boxing Day and/or Kwanzaa and/or Hannakah and/or Bodhi Day and/or Sanghamitta Day and/or Shabe Cheleh and/or Makara Sankranti and/or Junkanoo and/or Dong Zhi and/or Toji and/or Soyal and/or Yule and/or Seva Zistane and/or Alban Arthan and/or Long Night and/or Mean Geimrech and/or Brumalia and/or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and/or Saturnalia and/or Lenaea and/or Wren Day and/or Tekufah Tevet and/or Winter Solstice and/or ChriFSMas and/or any other December or winter solstice holidays i missed!

Oh, and Bah Humbug to those who don't celebrate the holidays! :)

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